Whoops! I’ve been doing so good, but I completely spaced doing this last week. Ah well, back at it this week!
My scrap paper drawer, she was overflowing, so it was time to get the blender out and make some paper: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CrpE_FoL7tZ/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== Much of my energy was put towards getting ready for the first day of Farmer’s Market on May 6. We’re in a new location this year, so it will be interesting to see how it works out. Here’s my booth, I changed up a few things and I think it’s looking pretty good:
April 24 was World Burlesque Day! I had a lot of fun playing with the choreography and participating in the #BurlesqueInBoots challenge:
We’ve been taking a lot of walks in the morning by the Portneuf River, and we came upon this bit of surprise art one morning:
That’s it for the last two weeks, have a wonderful day!
Cross-posted on my ko-fi page, you can support me there!
Well, I’m a day late (And more than a dollar short. ?) BUT I do have at least a quick update.
I had a lot of “in-progress” stuff last week that will be complete for next week’s post, but I did get the makeup case makeover completed. Tah-daa! Instagram process video: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CrMIunapc6B/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= In performance news, I will be going to the Elgin Fringe Festival in September, in their new “short show” category. So I will be creating a 15-20 minute piece for that, tentatively titled “Percolate.” Have a great week!
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Greetings! Most of my brain power was devoted to slowly working on my taxes this week. (Now that I'm 49, I seem to have figured out that it is actually much easier if I spread it out and do a little on it each day instead of frantically making use of frantic hyper-focus to get it all done on tax day with the deadline looming large. Who'd a thought, right?)
I did get a couple of things done. First, a new addition to the spice cabinet. I've been slowly making these as a fun "for me" project, and as an added bonus it makes it easier to grab the spice I'm looking for when I'm cooking.
I'm a bare-faced no makeup gal a vast majority of the time, but I can appreciate how fun it is to smoosh color around on your face - so I've been using the burlesque class I've been teaching to play with some fun makeup looks each week. Being a Gen X-er, I still have two of those fantastic "tackle boxes for makeup" (Caboodles!) that we loved as teens, but the larger one was a boring, plain pink - the exact shade of pink I don't particularly care for. (I want my pink bright, bold, and more towards the magenta end of the scale.) So I started work to revamp it. Here's the work in progress:
Have a great week, and if you have a minute to dance a little dance, sing a little song, or draw a little drawing, I hope you do!
Cross posted to my ko-fi page, You can support me there!
I’ll be honest, the last week was rough for multiple reasons, and I didn’t get anywhere near as much done as I wanted to. But I did manage to carve a stamp for a planned project. If you follow me at @CreativeMovesCreations on Instagram, you can watch the process video here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cq1cv_Ps9wK/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= While it has (finally!) now started to feel like spring, last week we were hit with a historic snow storm in our small city. Child the younger took advantage and built a huge snowman!
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A majority of the week was dedicated to planning and making the burlesque rehearsal fans for class. I’m happy with how they came out, although I’ve still got a couple of adjustments to make that will improve them. I may do a tutorial for them. The combination was a lot of fun. Details about class and how to join us here:
Http://MisbehaveBurlesque.com And if you follow me on instagram, you can watch the combo here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CqOVmeyJ3Fm/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= I finished watching aaaaaall of the “The Howling” movies and wrote about in on my (quite neglected) horror blog here: https://fuzzysocksscarythings.weebly.com/blog/and-then-i-accidentally-became-a-the-howling-completist For Extend Dance class on Saturday morning, we explored contact improvisation and had a musician drumming and singing us through class. It was so very lovely to have live music, and to re-connect in movement with some dancers I’ve known for years. That’s it for this week, have a good one!
Cross-posted on my ko-fi page, you can support me there:
I come to you another year older! I celebrated my 49th birthday on the 17th. It was a mostly* delightful day, with a morning snow shoe and an evening enjoying and being inspired by the Taiko Project:
https://taikoproject.org/our-vision" (*The undelightful part was watching an Idaho senate committee hearing to pass legislation to outlaw gender affirming care for minors. If you live in a state with anti trans legislation being proposed, please take the time to voice your displeasure to your elected officials. I want to make weird/cool/beautiful art, not constantly worry about the safety and happiness of people I love.) I finally finished up some jumbo sized insert journals, you can see the video of them here if you follow me at @CreativeMovesCreations on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CqBR75ZgVA2/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= I am happy with how they turned out: I hope to have them listed on the Creations website in another week or two. In burlesque class, we rocked out to Joan Jett’s “Bad Reputation” You can see part of that over on my burlesque instagram, @MsBossyBoobs. For Saturday Extend dance class, there were only two of us and I taught an easygoing hour long modern class. We had fun moving across the floor to some old school music that we used a lot back in the 80s (Jean-Michel Jarre’s “Oxygene Part 2) and then I shared a phrase from my solo show “Weaving Webs” with my fellow dancer. Have a wonderful week! Cross posted on my ko-fi page, you can support me there!
We got a little sloooow in burlesque class this week! (Which as a choreographer I don’t tend to do - I usually like to go FAST, so it was a fun change of pace.)
https://www.instagram.com/reel/CpnzNq6PYRo/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= We’re going to start having an optional extension of the class that will give us an extra half hour to review some combinations from previous classes for anybody who wants to go through them. Details about the class here, we’d love to have you join us! Http://misbehaveburlesque.com I got some journals/inserts made for the new largest size of Insert Journal (8.5 x 5.5 inches) I couldn’t find lined paper that would work for these so, uh, I MADE SOME! I carved a block of lines, stamped it out, and then ran it through the printer. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cpkz1mHpQ0P/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y
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The past week:
My main focus was burlesque class, and it got off to a fun start! A little peek of the combo: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CpYRVsGsz0S/?igshid=MjkzY2Y1YTY= We run through May, so if you’re in Pocatello, swing by Discovery Dance at 7:30pm and join us. Details: http://misbehaveburlesque.com I made the decision to apply for the Elgin Fringe Festival. It’s one of my favorites, and they have a new short show option that lets you bring a 15-20 minute piece, and that seemed an excellent option for dipping my toes back in the Fringe waters. The show is tentatively titled “Percolate,” and we’ll see what bubbles up. (*ducks tomatoes*) I won’t know if it gets into the festival until May, but this is a show that’s been, uh…brewing (*ducks even more tomatoes*) for a while, so I will probably start work on it no matter what. It was also the start of March- my birthday month! :) So I made a little stamp to use on my planner. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CpQMeWzppxK/?igshid=MjkzY2Y1YTY That’s it for now - have a wonderful week, y’all!
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Two things:
Whooops! Almost forgot to do this only the 2nd week in. But hey! Here I am late, but doing it. Yay to not giving up just because I wasn’t perfect. Go me. When I was typing in the dates my brain apparently wanted it to be 1993 again because that’s the year I typed at first. And while that wasn’t a bad year (Started in the theatre program at a community college, met the person who would become my partner) uh…that’s a big old NO to being 19 again. I’ll take the small crumbles of wisdom I’ve accumulated in my 48 years instead. :) So, let’s get to the week: Burlesque class starts this week! We’re starting off with a little Marlene Dietrich “Look me Over Closely,” here’s a sneak peek of the combo at the top of the post. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CpJZEtTPQO3/?igshid=MjkzY2Y1YTY= Details for the class here: http://misbehaveburlesque.com It was kind of a slow creative week visual-arts wise, I only got one process reel posted on Instagram, and yes, I did pick the silliest song possible: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CpBKdR4DHhs/?igshid=MjkzY2Y1YTY I also got a few inserts for the largest insert journals designed- process videos of that next week! Another important thing I did was attend a library board meeting to support this wonderful program: https://www.readingtimewiththequeens.com It’s all about love and acceptance, enthusiasm for reading, AND they have a fun craft time every month! Check it out if you have little ones in Pocatello. And now, here’s a little fun behind the scenes of me rocking the rollers and finger waves before filming: |
AuthorThis blog is written by Julie, a real human being who makes things! Archives
May 2023
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